UPDATE: On October 31, 2024, the Court entered Final Orders approving the Settlement and Awarding Attorneys’ Fees and Costs and Service Awards. Distribution of payments to timely, valid claims began on December 31, 2024. If you have any questions or issues, please email info@cpluscollagenlawsuit.com.

Settlement Information

A settlement has been reached between Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare, LLC (“Defendant” or “DDG”) and Jami Kandel, Mocha Gunaratna, and Renee Camenforte (“Settlement Class Representatives” or “Plaintiffs”), individually and on behalf of the Settlement Class. The case is known as Kandel, et al., v. Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare, LLC, Case No. 1:23-cv-01967-ER, currently pending in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

The Settlement resolves class action lawsuits alleging that: (1) Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare owned, manufactured, and distributed products labeled as “C+Collagen” and purporting to contain collagen, when in reality, the products did not contain any collagen; (2) Settlement Class members lost money in the form of the price premium they paid for products as a result of the label. Defendant denies the allegations, contends that the products contain Vitamin C, which promotes production of collagen in human skin, and further denies that it did anything unlawful or improper. The Court did not rule in favor of either side. The parties agreed to the Settlement to avoid the expense and risks of the lawsuit.

Who Is a Class Member?

You are a member of the Settlement Class if you purchased DDG’s C+Collagen Deep Cream, C+Collagen Serum, C+Collagen Mist, C+Collagen Eye Cream or C+Collagen Mask, or any other products sold with the C+Collagen label, whether sold alone or in combination with other products, in the United States, for personal or household use and not for resale or distribution, between March 10, 2016, and June 28, 2024. This time period is referred to as the “Class Period.”

Excluded from the Settlement Class are the presiding judges in the Actions, any member of those judges’ immediate families, Defendant, any of Defendant’s subsidiaries, parents, affiliates, and officers, directors, employees, legal representatives, heirs, successors, or assigns, counsel for the Parties, and any persons who timely opt-out of the Settlement Class.

Your Legal Rights and Options

Option and Deadline

Your Legal Rights

Submit a VALID Claim

deadline passed

The only way to get a cash payment is if you submit a valid claim and qualify. You may submit an online Claim here.

Exclude Yourself FROM THE CLASS

deadline passed

You will not get any benefits under this Settlement. This is the only option that allows you to be part of any other lawsuit against Defendant about the legal claims in this case. Refer to FAQ 13 for detailed instructions on how to exclude yourself from the Settlement.

Object to the Settlement

deadline passed

Tell the Court about why you don’t like the Settlement. Refer to FAQ 14 for detailed instructions on how to object to the Settlement.

GO TO A Hearing

on October 31, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.

Ask to speak in Court about the Settlement. Refer to FAQs 18, 19, and 20 for additional information about the hearing.

Do Nothing

no deadline

Get no benefits. Give up rights to be part of any other lawsuit against Defendant about the legal claims in this case.

Dates and Deadlines

Claims Deadline

September 27, 2024

Exclusion Deadline

September 27, 2024

Objection Deadline

September 27, 2024

Fairness Hearing

October 31, 2024